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Allocation Management
Import & Export
ℹ️ What kind of data is included in a Presail allocation management export?
ℹ️ What kind of data is included in a Presail allocation management export?

This article covers exactly what kind of data is included when you export the allocation management.

Milad Mirshahi avatar
Written by Milad Mirshahi
Updated over a week ago

At Presail, you can export the allocation management of every single deal you are managing. If you would like to know how to export an allocation management, you can follow our guide in this article. Below is an example of what an export in a deal with a couple of investors would look like:

ℹ️ What Is Included In The Export? [Basic Guide]

1️⃣ EVM Receiving Wallet
2️⃣ Non-EVM Receiving Wallet (If appliable)
3️⃣ Pre-Fee Allocation
4️⃣ Post-Fee Allocation
5️⃣ Share Weight (%)

6️⃣ Total Allocated Tokens
7️⃣ Email
8️⃣ Social Media Usernames
9️⃣ Custom Questions & Replies
🔟 Event Log

ℹ️ What Is Included In The Export? [Advanced Guide]

EVM (Receiving Wallet): Should the project you're fundraising for be EVM-based, this column denotes the receiving wallet to which investors' tokens are distributed.

Non-EVM (Receiving Wallet): For non-EVM-based projects, you will request a wallet address from your investors through the investment form. This column represents the receiving wallet on that specific chain, where the tokens will be distributed.

Pre-Fee Allocation: This column details the total amount sent by the investor prior to any fee deductions. If you're running a project that isn't subject to fees, this column will display the exact amount contributed by the investor.

Post-Fee Allocation: When fees are applicable to an allocation (does not apply to projects), this column reveals the total allocation for the investor after fees have been deducted. For projects, it will reflect the exact contribution from the investor.

Share Weight (%): This section stipulates the exact share (expressed as a percentage) of an individual's allocation from the total investment amount. If an investor has contributed $1 to a deal where $100 is raised in total, their share weight is 1%.

Total Allocated Tokens: This column offers a detailed breakdown your investors token allocations A post-fee allocation of $100, with a token price of $4, results in an allocation of 25 tokens [Post-Fee Allocation/Token Price = Total Token Amount]

Email: An email is required for every contribution. This column records the email address of each individual present in the allocation management.

Social Media: Multiple columns provide an overview of all the social media user IDs requested in your contribution form, including Telegram, Discord, and Twitter.

Custom Questions: A summary of the questions and responses you have added to your contribution form will be stored in a unique column. This allows you to monitor the distinct responses of each investor.

Events: The event columns deliver a detailed view of every event that has occurred in the allocation management. This includes the transaction hash for every contribution, any potential refunds, any allocations sold through OTC, and any changes in pools you have made. Events make it easy to understand how the allocation management evolved to its current state.

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